Vision for Mountain Sports

Where you look when you are riding your mountain bike is one of the most important skills I can teach you. Looking ahead, with a purpose and a goal, will make all the difference in how well you ride. (There is a life lesson in here too, right?!)

I love this photo of one of my clients practicing looking ahead. Her brain has already processed the berm that she is riding, and now she is prepared for the next berm because her eyes are so far forward.

Looking further ahead slows everything down. If you are looking just 2 feet in front of you, you have to constantly be making decisions about where to place your front tire. If you are looking ahead those decisions don't seem so daunting and fast.

The skill of looking ahead comes into play no matter what mountain sport you are participating in. This point has been driven home to me this week as I coach skate skiing to some local women. Their natural habit is to look at their skis, not where they are going. Every single time I give them to reminder to look up, their glide gets longer and more stable. Looking ahead with purpose can change what you are capable of!
