Camp Lynda Day 2

Camp Lynda far exceeded my expectations. It was such a fun filled, tiring weekend, I wanted it to last for a week! After missing Day 1, I will be sure to not miss any of it next year.
About 20 of us rolled out of Green Valley at 9:15 am Saturday. The group consisted of mainly Mad Dog riders and a few of us from Vegas. We rode the wash over to Barrel Roll and immediately was reminded of what it feels like to race in a pack, it's been a few months and I didn't realize how much I missed racing (this was not a race, just a fast paced ride).
By time we finished Barrel Roll & Sidewinder the original group had fallen apart. I stuck with Chris & KC.
Since so many people were going to show up Saturday Lynda had people start at different times, so we were running into people all day. We rode Barrel Roll the opposite direction of Lynda & her crew & just had a quick conversation with them (Dave, Carey, SingleSpeed Kenny, Jonathan, Ken, Jeff, Eszter, Cat, Dave). Back at the BR parking lot, we had chance for a quick catch up session with Jen, Shannon, Kathy & Bob (they were conducting camp xxxxx v1.000000981). Next up was Rim Rock then up muddy Cove Wash. My favorite part of the day was the fun rolling, fast Stucki. At that point KC & I were chasing Chris, Matt, Alex & Noah (the 15 year old boy-wonder). Then it was up Three-Fingers of Death onto Barrel Cacti which links to the Race course without having to ride the dirt road. We finished with Zen, which is a classic, must-ride for any mountain biker in the US. It's been 3 years, almost to the day since I've ridden that very technical trail. My guess is that I rode 70% more than I rode in 2008. It really helped to watch KC go up and down obstacles that I would have thought unridable. I just followed her and surprised myself at what I can get up and down. I could only hang with her for a few minutes though as my lack of skill became more apparent with 35 miles on my legs. Karl, Matt & Bill rolled up on me and encouraged me on a few more rocks. That's when Matt's bike-mounted camera took some really cool photos. Look for those later this week.
I filled my bottles with 4 scoops of CarboRocket 333 and sipped on the concentrated deliciousness all day.

Noah, Alex, Matt, Chris-Barrel Cacti
KC-Barrel Cacti

Sarah, Erica, Alex, Carsten, Noah (hidden, but you can see his hair!), Matt, KC, Chris, Karl, Bill, Duff at Don Pedro's