Spring Riding

The sun is shining and the trails are dry! I love living in the desert (in the winter). Monday I did a "race pace" ride just to see what my legs and lungs have. They feel somewhat ready to race this weekend. I'm just excited to see all of my mountain bike race friends, it's been 6 months since I've seen most of them.
Wednesday was a much more mellow ride, my legs needed recovery (meaning I was so sore from Monday that I couldn't walk down the stairs without wincing in pain until today). While riding I ran into Walker, the owner of Rock Lounge in Durgano, CO. He knows my friends from when I lived there 12 years ago, what a small world!
My new CarboRocket Kit, it fits! Now KC doesn't get to bug me about baggy jersey's anymore!

View from the top of Techno

Album of the week: M4 by the Faunts