Intermountain Cup at Snowbasin

It was a great day to race at Snowbasin, UT. We had a cloud cover that kept us so much cooler than last year. The "Usual Suspects" all showed up (KC, Sarah, Kelsy & me).  Right off the line I could tell Sarah was going to win, she had that fight in her and I could see it! On the other hand, I didn't have it in me. It was another race of survival. My head wasn't really there and my legs weren't participating either. Oh well! I caught KC for a minute on the first climb then she got me on the descent. I realized then I just needed to focus and finish. Looking at my HR from my garmin file, I can tell exactly where I turned to survival, my HR fell and never climbed back to my typical racing HR. However, I had a great hand up from Heather W (thanks Heather!).  I enjoyed my last full day in the mountains and my last mountain bike race for a few weeks. 

Erica and KC post race

Erica, Kelsy, Sarah, KC (The "Usual Suspects")

Song of the day: