There is a new trail in Park City and everyone has been talking about it.
The Pinecone Trail has been dubbed the "Gem of the Wasatch". It is accessed from Mid-Mountain or from the new Armstrong Trail. My family and I arrived at 2:00 AM Saturday and a few hours later John & I were pedaling up to see what all the fuss was about. The Pinecone Trail lived up to
all the hype. It has amazing, thick aspen stands, cleanly cut trail and perfect switchbacks. The rest of
our 4 hour ride was equally fun with a stop at the bottom of the Ruby Express lift to refill water bottles. John finally got to ride part of John's trail for the first time. We finished the ride with a climb up Crescent Mine Grade and a descent down Spiro. I rode cautiously on the descents, I'm still a bit gun shy from my crash. However, I have a few lift-serve days on tap so I'll be back in the groove in no time!