Coach Lynda, in her infinite wisdom, challenged me to the Whole30. She gave me 36 hours to prepare. I bought the kindle edition of their book "It starts with food" and committed 100%. I've done 2 full days and feel amazing. The body is incredible how quickly it can turn around. My body and digestion feel great, but I do have a headache. I guess I was eating more sugar and caffeine than I realized. I'd sort of let things slip since my injury. The motivation to eat well without any races in the near future was my downfall. But now I have this challenge and am super excited! 30 28 days from now I should be able to ride my mountain bike in the dirt and I want to feel amazing when I do it. Not sluggish and slow, which is how I would have felt if I'd continue on my path of destructive eating.
I originally read about this on Stephanie's blog. I'd thought about doing it, but it took someone to challenge me to do it. So if you are reading this and there is a little something in you that says you should try it; I challenge YOU! JOIN ME! You will not regret it. In fact, I cheated in one area yesterday. I got on the scale (that is one of the commitments, no scale or measuring for 30 days, only before and after). I lost 3 pounds in one day. Mind you, that was 4th of July crappy eating leaving my system. But I know you will feel better. If you want to collaborate, comment on this post and we can start sharing recipes!
I've had eggs scrambled with veggies and salsa for breakfast. Pictured below are two of the other meals.
Chicken & Almond dipping sauce mixed with Rashish, cabbage, beet, spinach, snap peas, green onion, yellow squash & scallions on top.
I originally read about this on Stephanie's blog. I'd thought about doing it, but it took someone to challenge me to do it. So if you are reading this and there is a little something in you that says you should try it; I challenge YOU! JOIN ME! You will not regret it. In fact, I cheated in one area yesterday. I got on the scale (that is one of the commitments, no scale or measuring for 30 days, only before and after). I lost 3 pounds in one day. Mind you, that was 4th of July crappy eating leaving my system. But I know you will feel better. If you want to collaborate, comment on this post and we can start sharing recipes!
I've had eggs scrambled with veggies and salsa for breakfast. Pictured below are two of the other meals.
Tuna salad (Tuna mixed with Rashish, cabbage, beet, spinach, snap peas, green onion, yellow squash, Paleo Mayo, spicy mustard |
Chicken & Almond dipping sauce mixed with Rashish, cabbage, beet, spinach, snap peas, green onion, yellow squash & scallions on top.