Well friends, I've migrated south again. It was hard to leave the crisp air & hero dirt in Park City. Fall was just showing up with all of it's smells and colors. We are back in the heat of Las Vegas and desert riding is now in season. It was also time for my son to start preschool!
I haven't ridden the trails at Blue Diamond since April so I was stoked to get out to the stark landscape and different riding. However, the trails have changed! There was a huge rain storm a few weeks ago, the most rain since the 1930's (don't quote me, this is just what I was told) and many of the trails are washed out, or at least portions of them. There are hardly any smooth sections left. All the fine dirt was washed away and now there are just fist size rocks in the trails. The bridge under 160 from the Cottonwood parking lot is so full you have to get off your bike to get through it! I've still rode out there 3 times last week, but it's different. It may take a while to get back to smooth trails.
I finally feel like I recovered from PCP2P. Naps aren't required anymore and motivation is coming back. Now it's back to the planning stages with
Coach Lynda!
Thursday evening ride |
Saturday sunrise ride (eeek! a cactus is eating my bike!) |