Mt. Charleston Hill Climb 2012

We had another great year at the Mt. Charleston Hill Climb. Perfect weather, awesome people, fast riding. All around fantastic.
Photos courtesy of the very talented Nicole McEachern.  Thank you for becoming the official event photographer on the spot!
I'll add more photos (I'm missing a few categories below) and details ASAP,  but in the meantime here are some photos and the results. I'm still catching up on sleep!

Results by Category
Overall Results
Men's Pro 1/2 (Drew Miller (2nd), Neil Shirley (1st),  Mark Aasmundstad(3rd)

Men's Cat 3; Luis Alvarado (2nd), Matt Shermeta (1st), Ken Hall (3rd)

Rachel,  Julie and Erica hugging, Antigone

Women's Cat 4; Rachel Holzer (2nd), Erica Tingey (1st), Antigone Payne (3rd)

Masters 35 +; Noe Alcala (2nd), Mike Olsen (1st),  Stephen Ferretti (3rd)

Maters 45+; Louie Amelburu

Men's Cat 4; Mark McCann (2nd), Justin Pasquale (3rd)

Men's Cat 5; Pete Makowski (2nd),  Sam Mehr (3rd)