Saturday started out like a typical race day and ended up being one of my favorite race days ever! Jason (Team Jamis manager) made a great pre-race meal for Thomas and I then I rolled over to the venue for the first part of my warm up. Once everyone settled into the race I was in about 10th. Over the course of 5 laps I worked my way up to 6th then Erin passed me back then Judy and I passed each other back and forth the rest of the race. I ended up in 8th, just 9 seconds behind Judy, there were 3 olympians that raced xc (Emily Batty/Canada, Lea Davison/USA, Annie Last/UK). This is one of my favorited courses, it has plenty of climbing and the weather is always great! I enjoyed my race and all the people cheering. I was happy to be done and recovered in the shade while resting up for the next race. This is where the fun really began! It was to be my first Super D race and I had no expectations. Jason was being interviewed by and I walked up not realizing they were filming and on film he said I was going to podium wearing the shorts and t-shirt I was wearing! Then it turned into a joke, he found his son's ski googles, his fluorescent gloves and then I put on my recovery socks and it was just a party! I warmed up for about 8 minutes then raced for another 7.5! We raced time trial format, leaving every 20 seconds. We all stood in a long line (women then men) on top of the mountain with low light from the sun shining through the trees. I wasn't taking this race seriously so I just relaxed and enjoyed the moment of being surrounded by racers and bikes and knowing it was just fun from here on out! I blew one of the first corners and was in the wrong gear to pedal out of it efficiently. I turned up the gas and pedaled as hard as I could to make up for that lost time and finshed 5th! My first podium at a national race and at my first super D! It was a day to remember and cherish at Bonelli Park!