JAMIS Bicycles Headquarters Visit!

Between the Vermont and Canada races I had the chance to visit the Jamis headquarters in New Jersey! It was SOOO cool to visit the place where all the magic happens! I got to catch up with the staff memebers that I’ve met previously (Tuscon training camp, Sea Otter, Dealer Camp) and meet the rest of the staff. Carine hires only the best. She even told me she only hires happy people and it shows, everyone I met was friendly and relaxed. The only problem is it made me want one of every kind of bike they make! I'm so proud to be associated with such a great group of people making a high quality product. 

Ryan, Erica, Sal

Sal and Erica (Jason on the trailer!)

Erica and Sal in the design room!

All the pretty colors they can make a bike!

Tony, Erica, Max

SO MANY BIKES (and this was just one area, there were so many more!)