Friday morning was a recovery road ride. It was supposed to be a group ride, but at 4:55 am and 37 degrees is a bit hard to motivate. Jim & I were the only ones to show, but we had a great time catching up. In 2007 we had really similar training schedules (same coach) so rode together tons that year. We rode Villa Ridge then I rode out to Calico Basin to add a few more minutes.
It was the morning after the full moon so there were perfect photo opportunities with the Red Rocks and moon. I tried a few with my phone and it didn't even come close to how it really looks. Luckily Ryan Stewart was out there. He's a local photographer that can capture what I see most mornings. Take a browse at his Red Rock photo gallery, this is what I'm trying to show you every time I take a picture with my phone. His photos actually do the desert justice in showing the vibrant colors they display.
A great big thank you to Ryan for the photos below, I'm so happy to have some high quality shots on my blog!
Riding down 159-I love how the color is washed out of this photo, it totally captures the desert sun and movement