Fontana Pro XCT 2011

I'm second from the left in dark blue

Fontana Pro XCT-my first National Race as a Pro: AWESOME! While still in my hotel room the morning of the race, I was so nervous that I thought my head & heart were going to explode. Luckily my brother-in-law texted me: "It is all about enjoying the fact that YOU ARE THERE! Nothing to prove, just look around, let go and enjoy it!" So, I really did. I got there and looked up, took deep breaths and enjoyed what was about to happen. I still had regular pre-race jitters, but nothing overwhelming. They did the call up, and yes, I was the 29th out of 30 to be called up. No world cup or national titles, "From Las Vegas, Nevada, Erica Tingey, riding for White Pine Touring." It was still pretty fun to have a call up. Then they announced that the 80% rule was in effect. That means if you fall more than 80% behind the leader (time-wise) you get pulled out of the race. Right then and there I finalized my goal: DON'T GET PULLED.
As expected it was a fast start, I was at the back, but I think I gained a few spots by the end of the start lap (3 minute lap). Once we hit the first big climb I knew I had more to give, so I passed a girl or two, I was antsy more than anything. The climb was kind of silly, about 10 minutes long and steeper than steep. In fact there were parts that were 30%, as you scroll through the photos below you'll realize that I'm not exaggerating. You can also take a gander at these great photo galleries at cycling dirt & Cycling News. There are only photos of the leaders, but you still see the course really well. Each lap got more and more painful and I rode less of the climbs each time. I admit that I walked my bike a few times. The pain in my quads was unreasonable, I've never felt anything like it. I was trying to reason with my legs, telling them that getting off and running up the hills would be worse, and indeed it was. It just made my calves and hips cramp up. There was no winning on these hills, well, not for me.
My heart rate was an average of 171, that's 6 beats higher than any other race. It also hit above 180 each lap, and 186 as the high, a number I haven't seen since 2007 (Garmin file). No wonder it hurt! But it hurt so good, I love pushing my limits! I know I could have been more aggressive on the descents, but overall I'm happy with my personal performance. I placed 20th out of 30 (28 finishers). I'm just happy to line up with these women, not get lapped and not come in last! Official Race Results.
I want to give a special shout out to Kelsy's husband Brandon Bingham. He did bottle hand-ups for 4 of us; Kelsy, Sarah, Lydia and me. He does a terrific job and is always on the ball. I failed to mention that he did this for me at Bonelli Park. That was even more of a sacrifice on his part, he had to come to the race at 6:30 AM to do my feed zone, but his wife wasn't due there until mid-afternoon. Thank you to the Binghams for their great support!
I used 2 scoops of CarboRocket CR 333 Half-Evil Endurance Fuel in each if my 20 oz bottles, I drank 2 bottles total. I was happy to have my super light Stan's Race Wheels on my sweet bike.
White Pine Touring has been great to me this year. If you are near Park City, I suggest you stop by, they're getting all of their fun spring gear in the shop, I know I can't wait to go shop up there in a few weeks!
I'm only in the first photo below, the rest are posted to show what the course & race looked like. See my previous post for pictures of me at the race.

Start line: I am the very back right helmet, yep, start spot 29!

Georgia Gould in front

First climb out of the gate, Sarah in Green, Kelsy just in front & left of Sarah, Lydia in black right of Kelsy

Do you believe me now? That's Emily Batty on a 30% grade. (Photo from