The Mid-Week MTB Race series started with the first race at Corner Canyon. The White Pine Touring Team had a great turn out! It was so fun to line up with so many teammates. We all have our new team kits and everyone looked so sharp! With relatively short laps, I chose to race with the Expert Men, because the Pro/Expert women were only supposed to race 2 laps and I wanted to race 3. On the start line they switched the women to 3 laps, but I'd already signed up with the expert men and was a little curious what it would be like to race with them. I ended up 16th out of 24, which was 7 minutes in front of the 1st place woman. I found out after the race that there will be cash payout at the end of the season for the series winners, so I think I may switch to the women's category IF I can talk them into letting us race 3 laps at all of the races.

Expert Men (and one woman!) start line
I'm the last white helmet on the left, Jay is wearing red glasses (#113), ChrisP second to right (#21), Julian is far right blazing his way 1st place
ALWAYS SMILING! Have I mentioned lately that I LOVE TO RACE MY BIKE?!?!?!
Julian-The Expert Men's Winner!
Song of the day: Model Son by The Heavenly States