Bryson Perry,
Billy Demong (the Olympian & World Champion skiier), Evan Hyde and Chris Jones put on a casual ride that turned into an amazing event called the Suffertational in Park City. Many local companies pitched in prizes and discounts. They set the route and with the intention of mellow group riding until designated KOM/QOM sections. 85 of us rolled out of Park City Coffee Roaster and made a long loop over to Pinebrook. That's when the first KOM started. The front pack took a wrong turn so we had to climb a short section twice, which just meant twice as much fun! I suffered my way to the top of that climb as the QOM! Then it was more mellow rolling until the next KOM/QOM section which was a one mile "sprint". I pulled another stunt like I did at short track at Bonelli. This time I came around the group when I could see the finish line and the guys weren't going fast enough (they were still surging and sitting up). I was still out sprinted by most of the guys but since I was the only female in the break I got the second QOM. I rolled with them a little more then had to peel off as they continued to suffer up another really long climb. It was a great way to spend a rainy Saturday, I will definitely make it to the event next year! Photos taken from a moto by
Chris See, a local photographer that always does very professional work at the bigger road and mountain bike races.
Bryson is in the black in the front, I'm somewhere half way back |
Billy is in orange on the right, my mechanic, Chrispy, getting a push (he recently had surgery and just got back on the bike) |