Jamis Factory Team Photo Shoot

The marketing director of Jamis Bicycles came out to Prescott to do our Team Jamis photo shoot. As usual we had a blast out there, my team mates always make me giggle with their comments and antics! This is probably the only time Rotem and I will see Thomas this year so we were sure to get in plenty of laughs!
Erica, Rotem, Thomas (Photo Credit: Dave Rosen of Jamis)

Thomas (Photo Credit: Dave Rosen of Jamis)

Rotem (Photo Credit: Dave Rosen of Jamis)

Thomas, Rotem, Erica (Photo Credit: Dave Rosen of Jamis)

Erica (Photo Credit: Dave Rosen of Jamis)

From my phone; Dave, Thomas and Rotem

From my phone; Rotem, Erica, Thomas

From my phone

From my phone