The Pro XCT Overall

This is what it looks like to achieve a season goal! I placed 3rd in the ProXCT for 2013! My goal was top 5 and I exceeded it. It's almost unbelievable when I stop to think about it. My season goal for 2011 was to win the local series (The Intermountain Cup). Even then I could have never imagined just 2 years later I'd have my sights set on THE National series! I raced in all 9 of the races on the ProXCT calendar. That meant traveling to Texas, Southern California for Bonelli Park and Fontana, Northern California, Alabama, Montana, New York, Wisconsin and Vermont! (Not to mention my other races in Arizona, Colorado, Pennsylvania & Quebec). I saw more of the USA this year than ever before and met so many amazing people including racers and host families. I had some great races and some that were far less than great, but I did them all and had a fabulous time at every event. I couldn't have done it without the help from my supportive husband and family that babysat endless hours, sent encouraging texts and put up with me being exhausted when I came home from racing.
Additionally, my sponsors made all of this possible. Being on the Jamis Factory Team gave me the confidence and support to race like a top pro! I loved my Jamis Dakar XCR Team and my Jamis Dakota D29 Team, they have been the perfect race machines for me. I've raced Stan's NoTubes since day 1. They took a chance on sponsoring me in 2011 and have given me non-stop support since then. 
My Gaerne shoes survived so much abuse this summer and I still love them! My eyes were protected at every turn by Julbo USA, they have been so supportive and excited about my racing for 3 seasons now. ESI grips is another company that took a chance on my back in 2011, they have the best grips that make my hands happy every ride! My head was protected my Lazer helmets again this year, they have the best technology in helmets out there. When I wasn't flying my bike was transported by my Kuat Rack that is so beautiful that I get asked about it every where I go! Of course, there are Elete electrolytes in my water for every race, I believe in this product for my health 365 days a year.
Thanks to every one that supported me and believed in me and helped me achieve my goal this year. It's been quite a ride!